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Jena in figures

Insight into the world of statistical data and facts

Various sources are used. In addition to data from the Thuringian State Office for Statistics, numerous data from municipal registers can also be found. We start with a brief overview of the development of the population in Jena since the beginning of the year.


Since the beginning of 2024, 1,662 residents have registered their main residence in Jena and 1,549 have deregistered. Jena has thus gained 113 residents. The current population is 108,263 inhabitants with their main residence.

Source: Registration register of the city of Jena; as of 6.5.2024

  • 50°55'34.9" north latitude, 11°35'3.3" east longitude, altitude 155 m above sea level. (Observatory Schillergäßchen)
  • largest extension north-south: 14.7 km, east-west: 12.2 km
  • Total cadastral area: 11 476.6 ha

Official population "2011 census update" as at 31.12.2022 from the Thuringian State Statistical Office (TLS)

  • 111,191 (TLS) , of which 55,301 men, 55,890 women
  • Latest available population figure from the TLS: 110,382 ( TLS, 30.9.2023)

Population according to population register

  • 108,393 ( as of 31.12.2023)
  • of which 53,198 men, 55,195 women
  • of which 94,322 Germans, 14,071 foreigners
  • plus 6,929 eligible residents with secondary residence
  • Statistical private households: 61,502 (31. 12.2023, estimate)
  • Apartments: 59 986 (31 .12.2022)

Further small-scale data can be found in the borough statistics.

  • IHK member companies: 5,464 (as of December 2023)
  • Manufacturing industry: * 65 companies with 9,511 employees
  • Main construction industry: ** 4 companies with 629 employees

* Status: end of September 2022
** TLS monthly average 2022
*/** Companies with 20 and more employees

Further information can be found at the Jena Economic Development Agency.

  • Employees subject to social security contributions who live in Jena: 43 492
  • Employees subject to social security contributions who work in Jena: 60,955
  • Commuters: 28,886, commuters: 11,444 (source: TLS, 30.06.2023)
  • Unemployed: 3,338, including 1,827 men and 1,511 women ( March 2024)
  • Unemployment rate (in relation to all civilian labor force): 5.8%
  • General housing benefit (excluding sub-households entitled to housing benefit) received 1,320 households (TLS , 31.12.2022)
  • Social assistance* received 200 recipients (TLS, 31.12.2022 )
  • Asylum seeker benefits received by 515 people (TLS, 31.12.2022)

* Current assistance for living expenses

  • General education schools: 32, with 12,297 pupils (TLS, 14.9.2022)
  • Vocational schools: 6, with 3,614 pupils (TLS, 9.11.2022)
  • Friedrich Schiller University with 17,084 students
  • Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena with 4,558 students ( winter semester 2022/23, provisional)

Visitor numbers of selected facilities in 2023:

  • Planetarium 173 113,
  • Volkshaus 29,481,
  • Botanical Garden 56,210,
  • Philharmonie 37,629,
  • Göhre City Museum 27,358,
  • Phyletic Museum 14,346,
  • Theaterhaus 17,426

Tourism - from 2023 including camping

  • Overnight stays in 2023: 385 113 (TLS)
  • Arrivals in 2023: 215 156 (TLS)


Data management and statistics team

Am Anger 28
07745 Jena
